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Top 24 Tips for Finding High Volume Search Keywords

Experts say it’s not the number of visitors coming to your site that matters; instead the kind of visitors that are coming makes all the difference! With the revolutionized digital era, businesses now enjoy a much better chance of understanding their customers belonging to any niche or category.

Every business wants the right kind of people visiting their website so there are more conversions instead of a rising bounce rate. Hence, ranking for the right kind of keywords lays the foundation of a good website and can be called the most important building block.

SEO strategy

The right keywords can give your SEO strategy a clear sense of direction in terms of forecasting shifts in demand of the consumers and plan your content accordingly. It helps you learn a lot more about your customers, thus, producing content that searchers are actually looking for!
Keywords have broadly been divided into two categories i.e. high volume and low volume keywords. High volume keywords have a large search volume and a lot of people are searching for these terms on search engines. High volume keywords ensure that more people see your content, click on it and eventually maybe buy it as well.
The fact that a huge number of people are searching for this content, means that there is a risk of irrelevant traffic generating as well. To ensure that doesn’t happen, it’s pertinent to find your keywords very tactfully.

24 useful tips that ensure a result generating high volume keyword search

  1. Brand Awareness – Don’t rely too heavily on keywords. Establish natural conversations with prospective customers to improve your Google ranking.
  2. Research Must – Never guess. Always research properly to find the right keywords.
  3. Keywords Types – Choosing the right keyword match type is very important as these types control the mechanism of your content appearing against a search. Broad match, phrase match, exact match and negative match are the various types of keyword match types.
  4. User Mind – Think about what you would enter in Google if you were looking for the product you want people to find.
  5. Relevant Search Terms – Only use keywords if you believe people searching for them will be happy with what they find at your site.
  6. Google Analytics – Use Google Analytics data to check which keywords already work well for your site.
  7. Google Webmasters – Use Google Webmasters, to gain access to a list of expected keywords. This tool also lets you compare the impressions and click-through rates of each keyword.
  8. Product Reviews – Check what words are used in reviews to describe products similar to yours and add them to your keyword list.
  9. Latest Trends/Topics Using Twitter – Enter your keywords in a Twitter search. Use the most popular topics of your niche as additional keyword suggestions.
  10. Relevant Search Terms – Start typing a keyword into the Google search box. See what suggestions come up under the search box as you type. Ignore any you have recently used. The others should be high volume search queries.
  11. Be Specific – Make sure any single keywords or short phrases are not too general and will attract people particularly interested in your product.
  12. Use Keyword Research Tools – Use free tools to find additional high volume keywords. For example Word Tracker gives the volumes of alternatives to any keyword or keyword phrase.
  13. Google Adwords – Create a Google AdWords account and use the Google Keyword Planner.
  14. Keyword Competition – Always look for low competition as well as high volume.
  15. Keywords Ideas – Input high volume / low competition keywords in the keyword box for further keyword ideas from Google Keyword Planner.
  16. Long Tail Keywords – Focus on long tail keywords! Research has proven that long tail keywords have better odds of converting as people who are searching for something in very specific terms are all set to buy the product as soon as they find it.
  17. Find Competitors – Perform a Google “inanchor” search (“inanchor:” keyword). This will identify how many competitors you have with this keyword. Don’t use any keyword with more than 100,000 competitors. Perform a Google “intitle” search (“intitle:” keyword “) to identify key competitors.
  18. Competitor Analysis – Check key competitor strength by counting backlinks, use MOZ Research Tool.
  19. Page Rank – Check the page rank of each key competitor. The more that rank in the first 10 the more difficult it will be for you to beat them.
  20. Pool Of Keywords – Record more keywords than you need, using the extras for blogging ideas.
  21. Google Trends – Use Google Trends to check that the keywords you have chosen have not already peaked then look especially for keywords that are slowly gaining in popularity.
  22. Keyword Search Volume – Use keywords that may be passing their prime but stop using them when the volume decreases significantly.
  23. Target Audience – Don’t allow “high volume – low competition” to overshadow the purpose of your keywords. Keep checking that the keywords you have selected will attract the right people.
  24. PPC Campaign – Run small sample Adword campaigns for your chosen keywords. Your final selection should be those that generated the greatest profit.
Following these steps should get you the desired results for sure but do remember that all the tools mentioned above are a good starting point, as they provide a complete picture of suggested keywords, an estimate search volume for the keywords and also an estimate of the cost that will be incurred for running campaigns on these keywords.
Results generated by tools such as Google’s Adwords Keyword Planner represent total searches carried out. However, based on the ranking that your website has against a particular keyword and the click-through rate, the number of visitors coming to your website by using the keywords will be much lower than what’s estimated by Adwords Keyword Planner.
It is essential to have a thorough understanding of demand a particular search term or phrase. Moreover, you also need to figure out the work that has to be done for the keyword to yield optimal results – it takes up a lot of time, effort and well-planned strategies to take your brand to the top 10 results on SERPs.

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