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[Fix] Your IP Has been flagged for potential security violations JetPack Plugin

Jetpack WordPress plugin recently added a new feature call Protect. This is a security module which protect your blog from brute force attack. Unlike other WordPress brute force protection plugin, this plugin works differently. It monitors the I.P.

Well today I faced something unexpected. I own a WordPress blog, and while I was trying to login to my WordPress blog today, I couldn’t login. I got this message below saying:

Your IP (xx.124.7.xx) has been flagged for potential security violations. Find out more…

 So, technically I dint know if I could login in few minutes later or if i was locked out for few days or forever.

So i went on looking for Solutions. If you are in this similar situation like me, here is the solution to Jetpack protect module issue.
How to login to Wordpress After Jetpack has locked you out.
The easy & simplest way is to whitelist your I.P. If you have access to your blog any other way; you can go to Jetpack > Settings > Protect > Configure & whitelist your I.P.



And if you dont have anyother way to log in,You need to edit your WP_config file or go to & whitelist your I.P.  For method, refer to the official

Login to your FTP via FileZilla or your cPanel FTP manager, and open your wp_config file, which is in the root of your WordPress installation. Add these lines:


Replace x.x.x.x with your own I.P.

You can check your I.P by going to site WhatismyIP

Here is another trick that could work..

 If you are already logged into your blog on a different tab, and you getting the error when you opened a new tab. Simply go to (replace with the actual domain), and you might be lucky enough to see your dashboard directly. Since your cookie is already stored, you should be able to get inside your dashboard. If not, follow the above two methods.

I believe this is one issue which many users will face, as this was a false alarm. If you faced this issue, let me know how you resolved it.

But Here is the solution i used, 

I just changed my ip, and tried logging in, from a different browser.. then i rushed to white-list my ip... Violla I was in.

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