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How to get free domain for blogger (.ga) and link to Blogger

Hello Friends!
On this post  I would be sharing with you how to get free domain for blogger i.e. .ga, .tk, .ml etc. domain and how you can as well link it to a blogger blog in just few minutes.

  1. Free things are not always advisable but as a blog starter without money to get a Top Level Domain yet you can start with this free .tk, .ml domains.
  2. These free domains just as the name implies are free. You did not buy them which means it might be deleted at any time though they give you  12 months (1 year free trial).
  3. If you are looking to build a brand with such domain then its not recommended. Get a Top Level Domain e.g. .com, .net etc.
  4. Free domains such as .tk, .ml, don’t really do well on search engines: You need to work hard to make it get found on google but with the help of a blogspot blog (Owned by google) you have an up-hand.
How to get .ga and other extention Domain (free)
Step 1
Head in to and input a e.g. from the homepage. If none has registered it, then you would see an This Domain is Available.  
Step 2
Click on Select and scroll down to where you see Checkout and Continue
Step 3

From the next page, Input your Email and Verify. Check your mail for the verification link as seen below and click on it to verify.

Step 4:

Fill your correct details and Complete order as seen in the screenshot below. Select 12 months from the drop down as seen below (you can select less if you want)

Step 5:
Click Complete order as seen below:

Now click on Click here to go to your Client Area
You are done with buying the domain name. Its time to link it to your blogger blog. Keep Reading

How to Link .tk domain to Blogger

Step 1: Login to your Blogger Dashboard with .blogspot domain
Step 2: Click on Settings >> Basic
Step 3: Now Select “+ Setup a 3rd party URL for your blog” as seen below

Step 4: Input the .ga domain name you just setup. make sure it starts with www e.g. and click save.
You would receive an error. This is because they are not able to verify your configuration yet.

Keep reading;

Now you would be given two things as seen below.

Now you need those cname and destination  to be able to link to .tk domain to blogger. Follow the below steps.
Step 1. From freenom, click on my Domains >> Manage domain
Step 2: Click “Manage freenom DNS” as seen below
step 3:  Now you need to add the Records; follow the below steps.
First Make sure the Type field is set to CNAME
  • Copy the first cname from blogger which is the www. and paste into the field for name in freenom. Do the same to the destination i.e. also copy it and paste in the field for target on freenom
  • Click on Add more records.
  • Copy the second Cname from blogger and paste in the field for Name on freenom and also copy the destination and paste in the field for target on freenom and click on Save. Check above screenshot for details
You’re Almost done; 
This next step, you are going to point to google IP. Below is how to do it;
Click on More Records from freenom and paste the following google IP. Make sure Type is set to A(not CNAME this time), TTL should be set to 300 (Not 14440 this time).
In the field for Target. Paste the below Google IPs. Do them one after the other by clicking on More Records. below are the IPs
Now save each of them.
At the end of everything your configuration should look similar to the one in the image below

  • Finally go back to Blogger dashboard and click on Save.
    It should now save and your .ga domain linked to your blogspot blog successfully! This is how to link .ga domain to blogger.
That does it. 

This tutorial wouldnt have been possible without Tips on blogging 


John said...

Is there any SEO effect of using .ga domain?

Unknown said...

Its a nice post....
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Sarah Joe said...

Thanks for the well detailed post. I just learnt from things.


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